GRZS tips

21. 5. 2012

Using a mobile phone in the mountains

When communicating, be clear about WHO is calling, WHAT is wrong, WHERE you are, HOW MANY are injured, WHAT are the injuries, WHAT are the conditions...

Keep it short and to the point, especially if your battery is dead. Calls to 112 are recorded and in case of a bad connection, the operator can listen to your call again. If you need advice from a doctor or paramedic, the operator will establish a direct connection between you and the doctor or paramedic.

How can you best prepare for a tour?

• Always charge your phone battery before going on a tour.

• Keep your phone off on the tour. In the mountains, the signal is poor and the phone is constantly searching for the best signal, thus consuming energy unnecessarily. Turn off all unnecessary functions and applications, as these consume a lot of energy.

• Keep the phone with you, in a warm place, protected from moisture.

• In the event of an accident, always call 112 and don’t waste time calling your friends, as they will have to call 112 anyway, and the operators will then activate the paramedics. Thus, a lot of information is lost or change. A call from the mountains to the number 112 is easier to establish because it has a special priority and, in addition, the transmitter is switched on at full power.

• When communicating, be clear about WHO is calling, WHAT is wrong, WHERE you are, HOW MANY are injured, WHAT are the injuries, WHAT are the conditions… Especially be short if you have a dead battery. Calls to 112 are recorded and in case of a bad connection, the operator can listen to your call again. If you need advice from a doctor or paramedic, the operator will establish a direct connection between you and the doctor or paramedic.

• If the signal is bad, sometimes even a small change in location, just a few meters, means a significant change in signal quality. At the top of the mountains, the signals are distorted, so it makes sense to descend a little lower.

• In the highlands, we may catch the signal of a foreign operator. We can set the network selection manually on the phone and thus establish a connection with the home operator.

• If the signal is bad and you cannot establish a voice connection, then send an SMS message. Even a weaker signal is sufficient to send an SMS.

Together with us

We thank our long-time supporters who help us on our way.

Zavarovalnica Triglav Elan Dacia

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