Terms and conditions of use

The owner of the website and domain www.grzs.si is the Mountain Rescue Service of Slovenia, (hereinafter GRZS) Bleiweisova cesta 34, 4000 Kranj. GRZS strives for the accuracy and up-to-dateness of the data published on the website www.grzs.si.

By using this website, you confirm that you have read the terms of use, understand them, agree to them and accept them in full.

On the basis of the Copyright and Related Rights Act (ZASP), GRZS is the holder of material copyrights over copyrighted content in the broadest sense (graphic elements, photographs, illustrations, or other representations of text) published on the website.

All information and images on the website are subject to copyright and other forms of intellectual property protection. They may be reproduced exclusively for non-commercial purposes, and all copyright or other copyright notices must be preserved. On every reproduction (copying, reproduction, publication, transmission) GRZS must be cited as the source.

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GRZS reserves the right to update, change or delete information without prior notice, and may also limit or deny access to it. The information on this website is informative.


GRZS strives with all due diligence to ensure that the content published on the website is error-free. GRZS does not assume responsibility for information published on third-party websites, and all complaints, inquiries or requests regarding such content must be addressed directly to these individuals or companies (responsibility for information published on such websites exclusively those who distribute them).

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Protecting your privacy when visiting this website is very important. You can find more information about data protection on our page - Personal data protection page.

Contact details

If you have any questions regarding this Legal Notice or wish to exercise your rights, please contact us at info@grzs.si.

Kranj, September 2020


Rules and conditions of use of the “SMS Donation - for GRZS” service

Validity: from 25.8.2023

1. General provisions

Service provider and organizer: Mountain Rescue Association of Slovenia, Bleiweisova cesta 34, 4000 Kranj, VAT ID: 16465288 (hereinafter: service organizer).

Provider of the communication path:

Telekom Slovenije, d.d., Cigaletova 15, 1000 Ljubljana. SMS messages are transmitted via the Telekom Slovenije mobile network.

All subscribers/users of Telekom Slovenije’s mobile network in (hereinafter: users) whose mobile phone allows sending and receiving short text messages (hereinafter: SMS) can participate in the “SMS Donation - for GRZS” service.

There are no age restrictions for using the “SMS Donation - for GRZS” service.

Telekom Slovenije is not responsible for the loss of information or improper operation of the services, which is the result of incorrect use of the service and ignorance of the user.

Telekom Slovenije cannot guarantee the operation of the service in the event of a failure of the contractual partners’ network, a power outage or other technical disturbances that could temporarily disrupt the operation of the service.

2. Definitions of terms

According to these rules and conditions of use, the organizer of the service is: Mountain Rescue Association of Slovenia.

“SMS Donation - for GRZS”, is an activity organized by the Mountain Rescue Association of Slovenia, with the aim of collecting funds for the purchase of equipment and the reconstruction of flooded premises.

According to these rules and conditions, the user is a user of Telekom Slovenije’s mobile network who has accessed the “SMS Donation - for GRZS” service with a request or SMS messages sent to the number 1919 and containing the keyword GRS10.

An outgoing SMS message is an SMS message that the user sends to Telekom Slovenije to the number 1919 and contains the keyword GRS10 in text form. Telekom Slovenije charges the user for these SMS messages according to the applicable price list of Telekom Slovenije.

An incoming SMS message is a thank you SMS message that Telekom Slovenije sends to the user in response to his outgoing SMS message. In accordance with the agreement with the service organizer, Telekom Slovenije charges the user for incoming SMS messages at the price specified in the service price list.

General conditions of use of electronic communication services of the company Telekom Slovenije, d. d. (hereinafter: SPU) are used meaningfully when using the “SMS Donation - for GRZS” service.

3. Duration of service

The “SMS Donation - for GRZS” service is available to users from 25.8.2023 and, as a rule, lasts until 31.12.2023 inclusive.

4. Application procedure for the SMS Donation service - for GRZS

The user sends an outgoing SMS with the keyword GRS10 to the short number 1919.

The user from 1919 receives an incoming thank you SMS message with the content: “Dear supporters! In the mountains and hard-to-reach areas, you can always count on our help if you run into problems. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your GRZS (donation)”

5. Service price list

Each SMS sent by the user is billed according to the applicable price list of Telekom Slovenije, d. d.

Prices include VAT.

Prices for outgoing SMS messages: each outgoing SMS message of the user is charged according to the valid price list of Telekom Slovenije.

Prices for various incoming SMS messages: the user is charged EUR 10 for forwarded SMS messages.

Subscribers of Telekom Slovenije, Mobi users:

I. thank you message for the donation.

SMS sent free of charge to the user (so-called system messages, Notification for GRZS):

II. notice before the start or upon termination of the service,

III. if the service is not available.

Telekom Slovenije’s monthly bill will show:

• SMS messages sent as part of other SMS messages,

• received SMS separately, under the special item SMS Donations.

The Mobi user can use the service as long as the balance on the Mobi account is positive and high enough. We recommend that before starting to use the service, they check if the balance on their Mobi account is high enough.

In accordance with applicable legislation, the possibility of claiming a donation certificate for tax relief is provided by the service organizer Telekom Slovenije, which ensures the reliable transmission of SMS messages received by the SMS center.

In the event that the message does not reach the user, Telekom Slovenije undertakes to try to deliver the message for another seventy-two (72) hours after the first attempt, and after this deadline, Telekom Slovenije discards the message.

In the event that the user submits a request for the service and the mobile phone is switched off or is in an area where there is no digital network signal or the inbox for SMS messages is full, the user is notified of the provider’s service and it is considered that the organizer has performed the service, Telekom Slovenije in this case, it charges the user for the service provided, and at the same time undertakes to try to deliver the content to the user.

6. Privacy and data protection

The Mountain Rescue Association of Slovenia and Telekom Slovenije undertake to protect users’ data carefully and in accordance with the law and to act in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act.

7. Complaints and assistance

The organizer of the service is responsible for resolving complaints regarding the content of the service. The user can address complaints to: Mountain Rescue Association of Slovenia, Bleiweisova cesta 34, 4000 Kranj, tel. +386 4 238 27 27, e-mail address: info@grzs.si. Insofar as the complaints relate to the provider of the communication path, the user must address them in accordance with the SPU to Telekom Slovenije, d.d., Reklamacie, Cigaletova 15, 1000 Ljubljana, within 15 days of receipt of the invoice.

Ljubljana, 25 August 2023,

service organizer:

Mountain Rescue Association of Slovenia

Special conditions for using the SMS Donation Service - GRS

From 25 August 2023 until an indefinite period


Organizer SMS donation services: Mountain Rescue Association of Slovenia, Bleiweisova cesta 34, 4000 Kranj, 2202379000 (registration number), 16465288 (tax number) (hereinafter: Organizer).

Route provider for sending SMS messages: A1 Slovenia, telekomunikacije storitve, d. d., Ameriška ulica 4, 1000 Ljubljana, registration number 1196332000, ID no. for VAT: SI 60595256 (hereinafter: Company A1 Slovenia).

The SMS donation service - GRS_OD25.8.2023 For an indefinite period (hereinafter: the SMS donation service) through the electronic communication network of A1 Slovenia is accessible to persons who have a subscription contract with A1 Slovenia for the use of electronic communication services (hereinafter: Subscribers) or are users of its prepaid services, i.e. electronic communication services that A1 Slovenia provides on a prepaid basis under a prepaid contract (hereinafter: Users), and whose mobile phone allows sending and receiving short SMS messages. The Subscriber or User (hereinafter: Donor) transfers a sum of money in the amount of ☒1 EUR, ☐5 EUR or ☒10 EUR by sending an SMS message to the number 1919 with the keyword GRS (hereinafter: Keyword).

The Organizer accepts these Special Conditions for using the SMS Donation Service (hereinafter: Special Conditions), which apply to and bind all Donors who access the SMS Donation Service.

These Special Conditions and other publicly available information necessary for notification regarding the SMS Donation Service are available on the website www.grzs.si.

The General Terms and Conditions for the provision of electronic communication services for legal entities and entrepreneurs, the General Terms and Conditions for the provision of electronic communication services for consumers and the Special Terms and Conditions for the provision of mobile services of the company A1 apply to the transmission of SMS messages.


Donations within the SMS donation service are collected for the following purpose: The collected funds will be used for the purchase of equipment, vehicles and for the renovation of the premises of GRS Kamnik and GRS Koroške, as well as the purchase of new equipment for mountain rescuers from other GRS societies, which for quick, successful and safe rescue at the growing number of interventions urgently need suitable tools to help.

The organizer undertakes to use the Donations within the SMS Donation Service exclusively for the purpose defined in the previous paragraph.

The company A1 Slovenia will donate all funds collected from paid incoming SMS messages as part of the SMS Donation Service, i.e. donations in the amount of EUR 1, EUR 5 or EUR 10 (hereinafter: Donations), transferred in full to the Organizer’s transaction account. The company A1 Slovenija enables the Organizer to lease Keywords and provides him with a way to send SMS messages (through the A1 electronic communication network and the Mobile Marketing service).


The SMS donation service will run from August 25, 2023 until an indefinite time.


The donor participates in the SMS donation service by sending an SMS message with the keyword GRS to the number 1919 (hereinafter: Outgoing SMS message). The company A1 Slovenia charges the Donor for outgoing SMS messages in accordance with its current price list for the Donor’s selected package.

The donor receives a thank you SMS message on his mobile phone in response to his Outgoing SMS message with the following content: “Dear our supporters! In the mountains and hard-to-reach areas, you can always count on our help if you run into problems. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your GRZS” (hereinafter: Incoming SMS message). The company A1 Slovenia charges the Donor for the incoming SMS message at the price specified in the Price list for SMS donation services.


Prices for incoming SMS messages:

The value of the Donation in accordance with the provisions of Article 15 of the Rules on the Implementation of the Value Added Tax Act (Official Gazette of the RS, No. 141/06, 52/07, 120/07, 21/08, 123/08, 105/09, 27 /10, 104/10, 110/10, 82/11, 106/11, 108/11, 102/12, 54/13, 85/14, 95/14, 39/16, 45/16, 86/16 , 50/17, 84/18 and 77/19) is not subject to value added tax (VAT).

Price for outgoing SMS messages:

Each Outgoing SMS message is charged to the Donor according to the price list of A1 Slovenia.

The company A1 Slovenija charges Donors - Subscribers for incoming SMS messages on the monthly invoices issued to them, taking into account the accounting period agreed in the subscription contract (the item “SMS donation” is displayed on the monthly invoice) or Donors - Users charges incoming SMS messages from the credit on their prepaid account. Donors - Users can use the SMS donation service as long as the account balance is positive and high enough. Donors - Users are recommended to check whether the account balance is high enough to pay for the incoming SMS message before starting to use the SMS Donation Service.

The monthly bill shows:

- Outgoing SMS messages as part of other SMS messages,

- Incoming SMS messages separately, under the special item “SMS donation”.

Donors - Subscribers receive a confirmation of the Donation on their monthly bill for services in the A1 Slovenia network (under the item “SMS donation”). The paid monthly invoice can be used by the Donor - Subscriber as a basis for claiming tax relief.

The possibility of claiming the Donation certificate for tax relief is provided by the Organizer in accordance with the applicable legislation, and A1 Slovenia is not responsible for the recognition of the Donation as a tax relief.


The donor undertakes to:

- will use the SMS Donation Service exclusively for the purpose specified in these Special Conditions;

- will not use computer codes, harmful programs or anything that could disrupt, disable or damage the SMS Donation Service, A1 Slovenia and its partners, their software, hardware and telecommunications devices.

If the Donor causes any damage to A1 Slovenija through his actions, he is fully responsible for it.

A1 Slovenia has the right to prevent Donors who violate these Special Terms and Conditions from participating in the SMS Donation Service.

By participating in the SMS Donation Service, the Donor is deemed to agree to these Special Terms and Conditions.


The company A1 Slovenia strives for the reliable transmission of those SMS messages that it receives in its SMS center. SMS messages are delivered to the recipient as soon as they are sent. If SMS messages cannot be delivered on the first attempt (e.g. due to unavailability or switched off mobile phone or memory usage), they are automatically re-sent and delivered as soon as possible. SMS messages that cannot be delivered within 24 hours automatically expire and can no longer be received.

In the event of a complete or partial outage, interruption or disruption of the A1 electronic communication network and/or the Mobile Marketing service, regardless of the cause (such as technical malfunctions, power outages, overloading of the network and the Mobile Marketing service, etc.), A1 Slovenia will endeavor to ensure normal operation as soon as possible.

A1 Slovenia is not responsible for:

- loss of data or incorrect operation of the SMS Donation Service resulting from incorrect use of the SMS Donation Service;

- non-functioning of the SMS Donation Service in the event of a mobile network outage, power outage or other technical disturbances that could temporarily disrupt the operation of the SMS Donation Service;

- delivery of SMS messages to the networks of foreign operators.

The organizer assumes full responsibility for the organization and implementation of the SMS Donation Service, as well as for the content of the SMS messages sent. A1 Slovenia does not assume any obligation or responsibility for the organization and implementation of the SMS Donation Service and the content of SMS messages, and the Donor expressly waives any claims in relation to A1 Slovenia.


The company A1 Slovenia does not provide the Organizer with any insight or access to the Donors’ personal data or any other processing of the Donors’ personal data within the framework of the SMS Donation Service.

The company A1 Slovenia processes personal data in accordance with applicable legislation. The method of processing personal data and the Donors’ rights in this regard are specified in the Personal Data Protection Policy, which is available at www.A1.si.


The organizer is responsible for resolving substantive complaints regarding the SMS Donation Service. The donor can address his complaint to: info@grzs.si.

The company A1 Slovenia conducts exclusively any complaints and other procedures related to the operation of the electronic communication network and the billing of SMS messages, all in accordance with its General Terms and Conditions for the provision of electronic communication services for consumers and General Terms and Conditions for the provision of electronic communication services for legal entities and entrepreneurs.


These Special Terms and Conditions enter into force on 8/25/2023.


dr. Gregor Dolinar, president of the Mountain Rescue Association of Slovenia

Together with us

We thank our long-time supporters who help us on our way.

Zavarovalnica Triglav Elan Dacia

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