
30. 8. 2024

The book was published on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Sklad Okrešelj Foundation - "Like the rope that connects us"

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Sklad Okrešelj Foundation, on the international day of mountain rescuers, August 28, the book "Like a rope that connects us" was published.

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Sklad Okrešelj Foundation, on the international day of mountain rescuers, August 28, the book Like a rope that connects us was published. The book, which was edited by the editorial board consisting of Andrej Karničar, Matej Kranjc, Dušan Polajnar, Franci Vrankar and Irena Mušič Habjan, is dedicated to the children and relatives of fatally injured mountain rescuers and to all those who have participated in it in the past and even now with heart and dedication they work in the Okrešelj Fund.

The event, which took place in the multi-purpose hall Korotan in Jezersko, was attended by the president of the Mountain Rescue Association of Slovenia, Gregor Dolinar, the president of the Sklad Okrešelj Foundation, Franci Vrankar, co-creators of the collection, relatives of mountain rescuers who were injured, mountain rescuers and others who are in any way connected with mountain rescue and the Okrešelj Fund. The presentation of the book was enriched by music. Socializing with the creators was coordinated by Rada Polajnar.

We will not forget our friends - let the book be a memory and a reminder of the transience of life.

photo: Primož Šenk

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