
16. 9. 2024

Day of mountain rescuers 2024: 24 new mountain rescuers and 6 mountain rescue instructors were welcomed into their ranks and the 100th anniversary of GRS Jesenice was celebrated

On the Day of Mountain Rescuers 2024, mountain rescuers welcomed 20 new mountain men rescuers, 4 new mountain women rescuers and 6 new mountain rescuer instructors from associations of mountain rescue services from all over Slovenia. At the same time, the 100th anniversary of the GRS Jesenice association was celebrated at the celebratory academy in the Kolpern Hall in Jesenice.

Saturday, September 14, 2024 was a day to celebrate the century-old tradition of priceless voluntary work, dedication and courage shown by mountain rescuers from Jesenice over generations. Together, they honored the past, looked back on achievements and outlined directions for the future.

The celebration of the 100th anniversary of the operation of GRS Jesenice continued with a rescue demonstration exercise, a traditional first aid competition between associations of Slovenian mountain rescue services and the awarding of awards to new rescuers and instructors.

Celebration of the 100th anniversary of GRS Jesenice

The Jesenice mountain rescuers consider 1924 to be the beginning of their organized operation and rescue in the mountains.

The Jesenice mountain rescuers were among the pioneers of the development of rescue in the mountains and active co-creators of modern approaches in the field of alpinism, standardized rescue techniques, rescue from avalanches and the use of rescue dogs.

Over the years, the Jesenice Mountain Rescue Association (GRS) has constantly updated and adapted to the needs for rescue and assistance in mountains and other difficult-to-access terrains, both in terms of organization and expertise. Today GRS Jesenice has 47 members, the association is led by its president, Igor Potočnik. In addition to mountain rescuers, the members include pilot rescuers, mountain rescue instructors, doctors, medical technicians, rescue dog handlers, as well as veterans and mountain rescue trainees.

They carry out various rescues, with the majority of injuries resulting from fractures and slips, and they also participate in search operations for missing and lost persons in all difficult-to-access areas. However, their work is not over. During the year, rescuers must complete several trainings, where they practice rescue techniques and coordination of actions in the event of activations under the guidance of instructors. They compare their knowledge with other societies at various competitions and meetings, and increasingly also at joint exercises with mountain rescuers from Beljak, with whom they share a border in Karavanke. A special section is devoted to rescue by helicopter and rescue from cable cars. They are also on duty at various events and events (sledding competitions, hikes, mountain runs, etc.), and also rescue at ski resorts.

In the association, they are constantly updating the rescue equipment, because if they want to perform a rescue safely and reliably, they must use flawless and standardized rescue equipment. They have to buy part of it with their own financial resources, and they are also fighting to solve the space shortage and to one day have their own, warm and large enough rooms.

Mountain rescuers are at the same time ordinary and yet also a little special people. People who are willing to first invest a lot of time and energy to become a mountain rescuer, so that they can rescue anyone who needs help in their spare time, for free, at the expense of their private lives. Nevertheless, they still do it with joy and with a big heart. Also in Jesenice for 100 years.

24 new mountain rescuers and 6 new mountain rescue instructors

Awards were given to new mountain rescuers. New mountain rescuers have successfully completed numerous trainings for the title of mountain rescuer in their GRS associations, and finally joint GRZS training: course, coordination seminar and exam in annual rescue technique, course, coordination seminar and exam in winter rescue technique, successfully completed 80-hours course in first aid and successfully completed training for module A - training for safe work with a helicopter. With the acquisition of the title, new mountain rescuers are properly qualified for mountain rescue in summer and winter conditions and for providing assistance in the event of natural and other disasters.

New mountain rescuers became: Ivana Potočnik (GRS Radovljica), Zala Dragonja (GRS Kranj), Anja Fabčič (GRS Ljubljana), Tea Močnik (GRS Ljubljana), Davor Mrvič (GRS Mojstrana), Jure Bukovec (GRS Radovljica) , Boštjan Dečman (GRS Celje), Jernej Radoja (GRS Celje), Uroš Cigljar (GRS Celje), Uroš Klavora (GRS Bovec), Žiga Langus (GRS Bovec), Uroš Arh (GRS Bohinj), Rok Kozjek Mencinger (GRS Bohinj) , Dušan Kunc (GRS Škofja Loka), Primož Tavčar (GRS Škofja Loka), Davo Mihev (GRS Koroške), Rok Ropret (GRS Kranj), Zala Dragonja (GRS Kranj), Vid Vilhar (GRS Ljubljana), Anže Vasle (GRS Ljubljana ), Matjaž Lazar (GRS Ljubljana), Aljoša Polak (GRS Ljubljana), Žan Vidic (GRS Kranjska Gora).

Awards for new mountain rescue instructors were received by: Sašo Ocvirk (GRS Celje), Alen Jurečič (GRS Bovec), Teo Žagar (GRS Bovec), Matevž Stranig (GRS Rateče), Aleš Habjan (GRS Bohinj), Aleš Hočevar (GRS Kamnik) .

New mountain rescue instructors completed the following training: coordination course and exam in annual mountain rescue techniques, coordination course and exam in winter mountain rescue techniques, coordination course in special forms of rescue in mountains and in case of other accidents, and supplementary education and training ( andragogic seminar, course for intervention leaders). By obtaining the title of mountain rescuer - instructor, new mountain rescuer instructors are qualified to train members of the parent association, to lead rescue operations in the association and can be members of the command in larger rescue operations where several units from the protection and rescue system participate.

Traditional first aid mountain rescue competition and handing over of new equipment – ​​Cosinuss ear sensors

In the first aid competition, the best teams were: GRS Škofja Loka (1st place), GRS Bohinj (2nd place) and GRS Kamnik (3rd place).

At the holiday of mountain rescuers, some companies with equipment that is also used in mountain rescue presented themselves and donated practical prizes to the winners of the first aid competition: Elan, Montura, Outclimb, Petzl, Rastroj and Treking sport, Snow Monkey.

The company Cosinuss also used the festive occasion to hand over a new monitoring solution - Cosinuss ear sensors - to the president of GRZS, dr. Gregor Dolinar and for the presentation of equipment to mountain rescuers. With this, GRZS sets new standards in its operation by equipping its teams with an innovative and ultra-light system for monitoring casualties.

“We are thrilled about this new partnership with the Slovenian Mountain Rescue Service. We are proud that our innovative technology can help ease the work of mountain rescuers and improve the care of injured persons,” said Dr. Johannes Kreuzer, CEO of cosinuss°. Dr. Gregor Dolinar agrees, stating, “We have decided to purchase and integrate cosinuss°’ monitoring technology into our equipment, because with such an innovation, we can further improve the care of injured people and provide even more efficient assistance in the event of an accident in difficult, alpine terrain.”

About the Slovenian Mountain Rescue Association (Gorska reševalna zveza Slovenije)

The Slovenian Mountain Rescue Association (GRZS) is an independent organization with more than 110 years of tradition that specializes in the prevention and rescue of people in the mountains and in the event of natural disasters and other emergencies where safety, health and life are at risk. It is recognized as a public service for protection and rescue by the Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief, a body within the Ministry of Defence. GRZS is made up of the basic units of the Mountain Rescue Service (GRS), voluntary and non-profit mountaineering associations each rescuing in a specifice region.

About cosinuss°

Cosinuss GmbH is a certified medical device manufacturer based in Munich that specializes in mobile and continuous monitoring of various vital signs. With more than 15 years of research and development, numerous patents and medically certified products, cosinuss° is a pioneer and hidden champion in the field of mobile and continuous vital signs monitoring. cosinuss° pursues the vision of revolutionizing the monitoring and recording of vital signs in healthcare - with the aim of improving the treatment and thus the lives of patients and providing the tools to make healthcare more efficient and effective.

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Zavarovalnica Triglav Elan Dacia

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