About GRZS


The Mountain Rescue Association of Slovenia is organized as an association of independent, voluntary, non-profit mountain rescue societies and mountain rescue societies with registered mountain rescue activities (stations), which perform humanitarian tasks of public importance: protection, rescue and assistance in the mountain world and in the event of natural and other disasters, when the safety, health and lives of people are at risk. These tasks are performed by the basic units of the GRZS - associations and stations of the mountain rescue service (GRS). They are independent and have geographically defined areas of operation. They carry out rescue, preventive and other campaigns and activities determined by GRZS rules and their own rules.

Who are the members of GRZS?

Members of GRZS societies are alpinists or mountain lovers with special skills (doctors, rescue dog handlers, etc.), who have also been trained in first aid and the use of specialized rescue equipment under the GRZS program.

Upon joining the association, a member receives the title mountain rescuer trainee. His goal is to become a licensed mountain rescuer, and the path to that is quite challenging. A (future) mountain rescuer must sacrifice a lot of effort, will and free time to reach the required level of competence. After obtaining a license, he can specialize in additional activities and become an instructor, pilot, rescue dog handler…

Other activities

Our task is to educate not only members, but also other mountain lovers. For this purpose, the association participates in various demonstration exercises, courses, competitions and group hikes.


The Mountain Rescue Service of Slovenia (GRSS) was founded on June 16, 1912 in Kranjska Gora within the framework of the then Slovenian Mountaineering Association (SPD). From its foundation until today, it has worked in various organizational forms in different political and economic arrangements, but always with the same purpose and mission: to voluntarily help people in the event of accidents in the mountains and on difficult accessible terrain.

Before the Second World War, the i. “rescue expeditions” consisted of both climbers from larger towns and locals from below the mountains. In the rescue warehouses of the time, ropes, climbing shoes, some bandages, a rescue pole and a bag were prepared. The means of transport were a horse and a horse-drawn carriage. Among the pre-war rescuers were all the top alpinists of the time (in the Gornjesava Valley, for example, Joža Čop, Miha Potočnik, Stanko Tominšek) and many local guides, among whom the famous names Ivan Vertelj - Hanza, Gregor Lah - Preckin from Mojstrana (owner of the Lojtrnik and horse) …

After the Second World War, the headquarters of the GRS was initially located in Jesenice; it was led by Miro Dremelj and Uroš Zupančič. After the severe tragedy in Špik in 1953 (five dead climbers), GRS underwent major organizational changes, among other things, the headquarters moved to Ljubljana. It was organized as a commission within the Mountaineering Association of Slovenia.

Organized in this way, the GRS operated until 2006, when we Slovene mountain rescuers again adapted to social and economic changes and reorganized into an independent association that can independently join other related national and international associations.

The area of ​​operation

GRZS operates in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia. For more than a decade, the Administration for Protection and Rescue has been using the digitized limits of jurisdiction of individual GRS stations/companies to determine jurisdiction during interventions. The stations agreed on the limits of jurisdiction gradually based on the predicted best response times in individual areas and the tradition of individual areas belonging to the places where the headquarters of GRS stations/companies are located. When an accident occurs near the border of the area of ​​jurisdiction, both potentially competent stations are often notified.

GRZS management

President: dr. Gregor Dolinar

Vice President: Miha Primc

Vice-president: dr. Klemen Belhar

Commission for rescue techniques: mag. Janez Primožič, president

Committee for Medicine: Luka Camlek, Ph.D. of medicine, specialist in pneumatology and intensive care medicine, president

Commission for rescue from avalanches: Gaber Štritof, president

Commission for equipment: mag. Štefan Golob, president

Committee for connections: Anton Štern, president

Commission for air rescue: Matej Brajnik, president

Commission for information and analysis: dr. Klemen Novak, president

Supervisory Board: Ljubo Hansel, president

Together with us

We thank our long-time supporters who help us on our way.

Zavarovalnica Triglav Elan Dacia

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